Since we do everything ourselves, from cultivation to manufacturing and sales, we have a traceable management system from the production of raw materials to sales.

We take responsibility for every step of the process under careful hygiene management to deliver safe and secure products.

Inside the Hattori Tea Factory. authentic Matcha maker.

  • Acquisition of FSSC22000 Certification

    In order to provide our customers with safe and secure food products, we have acquired FSSC22000 certification, an international food safety management system, for our packing plant in 2020.

    We provide high quality, safe and secure products by meeting the standards of the food safety management system required every year.

    Click here for the certificate 
  • JAS Organic Certification

    JAS Organic Certification

    Our garden has been certified organic by the Affas Certification Center, an organic certification organization recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

    We provide certified organic agricultural products and organic processed foods.

    Click here for the certificate 
  • EU Organic

    In 2010, Japan's JAS organic certification standard was recognized by the EU, allowing our products to be labeled as "organic" for export.

    By using TRACES to issue the certificate, our products can be sold as organic tea in the EU.

    If you are an importer who does not have an organic certification, please contact us.

    Click here to contact us. 
  • Equivalence with USDA Organic Certification

    Japan and the U.S. have mutually recognized the equivalence of their organic systems, allowing us to export our products labeled as organic.

    In 2014, Japan's Organic-JAS and the U.S. USDA Organic recognized each other's equivalence of organic certification, allowing our products to be labeled as "organic" and exported to the United States.

    The organic labeling system of the country or region in question must be met.

  • FSMA PCQI certification

    FSMA PCQI Certification

    The FSMA (U.S. Food Safety Enhancement Act) was enacted by the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) in January 2011. When exporting food products manufactured in Japan to the U.S., Section 103 of the FSMA, "Preventive Controls for Human Food," requires that a PCQI (Preventive Controls Qualified Individual) be assigned to manage these controls.

    We have two PCQIs on staff.